Cifra Club

Pablo Michielon Parra

Has been teaching for 23 years, (Centro)
Pablo Michielon Parra

Aulas de Guitarra, violão. Estudei Musicoterapia na FAP - Fiz turne europeia junto ao Angra em 2011-Toquei na inauguração internacional do carro Fox VW em 2003-Gravei Clipe em 2010 com a banda Kattah, do qual sou ex integrante-Gravei clipe com a banda Vivarinas em 2012-Fui Professor do Insituto de Música 2001 a 2006 Curso com começo, meio e fim. Abordamos todas as tecnicas. O curso acompanha o desenvolvimento de cada aluno, respeirando o gosto musical. trabalho com Filmagens e gravacoes dos alunos R. Al Dr Carlos de Carvalho 149, ap 41 centroo

Teaches: Baixo, Bateria, Canto, Guitarra, Violão.

Monthly subscription fee: R$160,00

Contact: (41) 9123-8054

Cifra Club is not responsible for, mediates or guarantees the relationship of the teachers or schools that advertise here. Here are some tips on how to avoid potential problems:

  • There are hundreds of teachers and schools registered with Cifra Club. Whenever available in your city, consult more than one professional and compare them.
  • Never pay in advance for your first lessons. Get to know the teacher first, their methods, etc.
  • If you're asking for home lessons, ask the teacher to give you references for their work. Also, don't be shy about asking for documents proving their identity.
  • If you are a minor, always ask your parents for help in choosing the best professional.
Ops (: Content available only in Portuguese.