Cifra Club

Terms of use

This document, from now on simply called "Terms of Use", focuses on the most important rules and conditions you need to be aware of if you want to use the sites sites (Cifra Club), (Palco MP3), (Cifra Club Forum), (Guitar Battle), and (Form Your Band), all properties of STUDIO SOL COMUNICAÇÃO DIGITAL LTDA, called "Studio Sol" from now on. This document is complemented by the guidelines outlined in our Privacy Policy for data processing.


When you access any of our websites, we assume that you have read and agreed to the most recent version of our Terms of Use and all other policies that we publish on our sites. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read this document and all other policies, such as our Privacy Policy, BEFORE using our services or downloading our apps. If you disagree with any of the conditions outlined in the Terms of Use or our policies, we suggest not accessing our sites or using our products. However, if you have any questions about our rules, feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to help you!

  1. Free of charge

    The services and features provided on our websites are completely free and users are not required to make any payment.

    In the apps, most of the functionalities are also free. However, for the services of the Cifra Club family, there is a set of benefits for users who have chosen to subscribe to Cifra Club Pro (described below in this document). These benefits vary according to each type of purchase and are described directly in the apps.

  2. Register

    Let's assume, then, that this is the first time you have accessed one of our company's websites and that you have already read and agreed to these Terms of Use. You will be able to continue browsing freely, without the need to register, visiting all the pages available to non-registered users.

    However, if you want to participate more directly in the functionalities offered by our sites, you will need to complete a registration form.

    When registering, you must provide personal details such as your name, e-mail address, city, country, date of birth, and gender. Providing this information is mandatory and it is essential that you only enter accurate, precise and truthful information in the form. In addition, we ask that you update your personal data whenever there are any changes. We also reserve the right to use all valid and possible means to identify our users in order to prevent fraud and fake profiles. If you would like more information about this, please read our Privacy Policy.

  3. Able to sign up

    Our websites, apps and functionalities are only available to people who have full legal capacity to use them, according to Brazilian law. Therefore, people who do not have this capacity cannot use them, including minors (people under the age of 18), who must be assisted or represented by their parents, guardians or legal representatives. The same applies to people who have been temporarily or permanently disabled by us due to inappropriate use of the sites.

    Also, the same person is not allowed to have more than one registration. If we detect duplicate accounts, we may merge them or even permanently disable them without prior notice.

  4. Purchases and Sponsorship related to registration

    Users who choose to subscribe to Cifra Club Pro (described below in this document) can do so from any device that allows such action, receiving access to Cifra Club Pro subscriber benefits on all platforms, as long as the same login used to subscribe is utilized. The free trial period of any paid service within the apps is restricted to ONE use per account. In other words, once you have used the free trial period of a subscription, cancel it and re-subscribe at a later date, the free trial period will not apply again.

  5. Login and password

    At the end of the registration process, you will need to set a login (username) and a password, which must be provided each time you access. But beware: you must keep your password and login safe, as you are fully responsible for the consequences of using them. For this reason, we do not recommend that you disclose any of this information to others. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your login and password, please notify us immediately via email(, under penalty of liability for the consequences of such misuse.

  6. Data use

    During the use of our websites, apps and features owned by us, we use the registration data provided for the following purposes:

    . To provide, personalize and improve the experience with our products and services. This makes it possible to provide you with personalized content, individualized or adapted to your location, recommendations, functionalities and advertising.
    . To understand and analyze the use of our products, in order to observe behaviors and usage trends to develop new products and services.
    . To communicate directly with you for purposes related to our websites and apps.

  7. Data protection

    We commit to not using the registration information provided by you for illegal activities, but only for those expressly permitted by Brazilian legislation and/or these Terms of Use.

    You may request Studio Sol, at any time, the permanent deletion of your personal data provided during registration. To do so, just send us an email ( In any case, the cases of mandatory record keeping provided for in the Brazilian Civil Framework of The Internet (Law 12.965/2014) or aggregated and non-identifiable data for statistical purposes are excepted.

  8. Cookies

    We may use a mechanism to install cookies on your computer when you access our websites in order to personalize your experience. This allows, for example, your password to be filled in automatically on your computer, as well as the site to inform you of previous activities you have carried out on the sites. In other words, the use of cookies does not have the potential to harm you; on the contrary, they make our websites easier to use. However, if you do not want cookies to be installed, you can configure your browser to prevent their installation. Please refer to your browser's rules in this regard. You can also opt out of Audience Science's anonymous data collection via the link:

  9. Use of our apps

    When you use a Studio Sol app, data may be collected for advertising purposes about the device, including the Advertising Identifier of Android, iOS, or other similar operating systems, as well as location data received from the device's sensors. In addition to this data, data is also collected about advertising on the device, including clicks made from it, impressions and advertising dwell time.

    In compliance with transparency requirements, we detail below the data from your device that may be collected if you use one of our apps:

    A. Anonymous device advertising identifiers, mobile device attributes and apps installed on the respective device;
    B. Data from the device's sensors;
    C. Anonymous data on the location of the device via GPS or mobile network.

  10. In Loco Media

    Studio Sol's applications use geolocation technology owned by IN LOCO TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMAÇÃO S.A. (“In Loco”) which allows the capture of data from visits to commercial establishments, without directly identifying you, in order to: i. send personalized advertisements; ii. send contextualized messages via push notification. By accepting this Privacy Policy, the user declares that they are aware of and agree to the collection and processing of their data by In Loco, as set out in the In Loco's Privacy Policy. If you disagree, we offer you the option to opt out.

  11. Content posting

    It's important to clarify that we at Studio Sol are merely “app providers” under the terms of the Brazilian Civil Framework of The Internet. In other words, we are simply the owners of the websites and their platforms. Our mission is to disseminate knowledge, exercising a clear musical training activity, inspired by the maximum precepts of democratization and universality of education. We are not responsible for posting any content on our sites (other than our company's institutional content), and posting content is therefore the exclusive responsibility of our users.

    For this reason, as a mere provider, we are not responsible for the content posted. That is up to the users. For this reason, it is very important that you, as a user, pay close attention to the content you post on any of our sites, such as lyrics, chords, tabs, videos, photos, music files, or any other type of content, avoiding, for example, the violation of copyright, personality rights, such as image, voice and name of third parties or rights to industrial and commercial trademarks.

    In regard to copyright, we assume that you will only upload to our sites content that is free and/or licensed, and does not violate the rights of third parties. Since we do not control the content posted by our users (which would be humanly and technologically impossible!), we rely on the responsible conduct and common sense of our users and partners.

    Our responsibility is limited, it is important to say, to taking content offline, whenever we receive a specific court order to do so. This is a consequence of the Brazilian Civil Framework of The Internet (art. 19). We also suggest that you read the next section of the Terms of Use, which deals with the procedure for taking content offline.

    By accepting these Terms of Use, you also agree that any and all content you post, whether authored by you or by third parties, can be used on all our sites (even if the post was made on a single site), as well as on our social networks. In addition, you allow the content to be edited by other registered users, who can suggest adjustments, arrangements and modifications, developing a true collaborative platform whose sole purpose is the free dissemination of knowledge and quality musical training. Specifically on the Palco MP3 website, we can use photos and graphic elements from the artist's Palco MP3 page, official or unofficial websites, and social networks to apply to the main page's featured images. This means that bands and artists must agree to Palco MP3 using these items exclusively to promote them on its website and official social networks. Finally, you also allow our sites to link advertisements, including alongside the content you have posted, without any restrictions.

    You guarantee that no use of the content you post will result in payment of any kind, always making its availability free, provided that the conditions set forth in these Terms of Use are met by other users.

  12. Report of copyright infringement

    If any individual or company believes that certain content posted by one of our users violates their copyright or personality rights, they can email us (, describing the fact, indicating precisely all the URLs (links) that contain the respective content and proving that you are the holder of that right by suitable means.

    Although the Brazilian Civil Framework of The Internet only obliges an app provider to take content offline after receiving a specific court order, we reserve the right to take content offline even without receiving a court order, whenever we detect a situation that could constitute a serious violation of rights. This does not mean, however, that we are liable for damages arising from keeping content up after receiving a notification or email informing us of the alleged violation. No, taking content down before receiving a court order is our prerogative, our right, not exactly an obligation.

    Still on this subject, you, the user, fully accept that any content you post on any of our sites will be taken down without prior notice. In any case, you will be notified of any allegations of infringement of rights involving content you have posted, and you will be able to defend yourself by presenting your arguments. In addition, you also authorize us to pass on your personal data entered in the register, as well as your IPs (Internet Protocol), at the request of the Judiciary. None of these actions by us will therefore cause you any damage, and you fully accept that you cannot seek compensation from us.

  13. Obligations assumed by users

    When using any of our sites, you agree to never: (a) violate the copyrights or personality rights of third parties; (b) use any data scraping methods or similar data extraction methods; (c) manipulate or present the site or content using 'framing' or similar browsing technology; (d) register, subscribe, unsubscribe, or attempt to register, subscribe, or unsubscribe any party for any product or service, unless expressly authorized to do so; (e) transmit, disclose illicit or prohibited material, or assault, slander, libel, or defame any person or company; (f) propagate information about illegal activities and incitement to crime; (g) provide content that is discriminatory in any way, such as ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or any other; (h) create a false identity or use subterfuge to deceive others or obtain benefits; (i) send unsolicited advertising material, including spam, junk mail, chain letters, direct mail, or pyramids to third parties; (j) transmit files that are technically harmful (including, without limitations, computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worm viruses, SQL injection, harmful components, corrupted data, or any other malicious software); and (k) use the sites for purposes other than those for which they were intended.

  14. Disclaimer

    We are not responsible for any damages resulting from the use of our sites or the content therein, or for the unavailability of the sites or content, including, but not limited to, lost profits and consequential, moral, and material damages. We also do not guarantee that the functions incorporated or existing on the sites will be available without interruption or error-free. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the site or its contents are free from virus infection or anything else that may have contaminating or destructive properties.

    We will make every effort to ensure the accuracy, correctness and reliability of our websites, but we do not grant any guarantees in this regard.

    We also disclaim any liability for the content or availability of information contained in the search index offered on our sites, as well as for the accuracy of any search results.

    We are not responsible for any violation of personality rights, copyright, related rights and trademark and industrial property rights arising from any content available on our sites, nor for the nature of such content, committing only to take down, following the system established in these Terms of Use, any content that is the object of a well-founded suspicion of violation of rights of any nature.

    Any reference to products, services, processes or other information relating to third parties, by way of trade name, brand, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise, does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation on our part.

  15. Tolerance

    No omission or delay on our part in exercising our rights under these Terms of Use, our other policies or under the law, implies or means renouncing its exercise.

  16. Changes to the Terms of Use

    The Terms of Use may be modified and updated by us freely, at any time, with the aim of adapting them to legislative news or even to insert new business practices, with the changes taking effect immediately, unless another deadline has been indicated in the new version of the Terms of Use. It is important, therefore, that you always read this document before using any of our websites. It may contain a change with which you do not agree. After all, your continued use of our websites after the changes have been published will constitute your full tacit acceptance of those changes.

  17. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

    Although, technically, our sites can be accessed from anywhere on the planet, our relationship with the users of our sites will always be, in any event and regardless of where the service is being accessed from, subject to Brazilian law, in particular the Consumer Protection Code, the Brazilian Civil Framework of The Internet and these Terms of Use.
    In order to resolve any doubts or controversies arising from its use or content, the jurisdiction of the State of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, is hereby elected, unless another privileged jurisdiction is determined by law.

  18. Compliance with third-party terms of use

    The Cifra Club apps utilize YouTube's API services. By using our apps, customers and users acknowledge and agree to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service, as well as the Google Privacy Policy. Our apps comply with these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, ensuring a secure experience in accordance with the established guidelines.

Cifra Club Pro

  1. Subscription
    1. The Cifra Club Pro subscription can be acquired through various methods. In all cases, it is the sole responsibility of the subscriber to keep the email, subscription identifier, and, at the time of service contracting, the subscriber expressly declares and warrants having legal capacity to subscribe, as well as that all information provided by the subscriber in connection with the service subscription is true and correct in all its aspects. Studio Sol is not responsible, in any way, for subscriptions made in accordance with the procedure established here, nor for the information provided, for which you are solely responsible, both for their accuracy and compliance, and for complying with the conditions described herein.
      1. Subscription made through the App Store. Subscriptions made through the App Store utilize Apple's payment system. Therefore, such subscriptions are also subject to Apple's Terms and Conditions. Among them, Apple does not allow the developers of the apps (in this case, Studio Sol) to have access to any of the subscriber's data, including, without limitation, payment data. Thus, for information about this subscription, cancellation, or refund of incorrectly charged amounts, it must be obtained strictly and directly through the Apple system, as Studio Sol has no control and/or authority over such matters.
      2. Subscription made through the Google Play Store. Subscriptions made through the Google Play Store utilize Google's payment system. Therefore, such subscriptions are subject to Google's Terms and Conditions. Among them, Google allows developers to check the subscription using the email used to make it or by the order number. Thus, for information about this subscription, cancellation, or refund, it is the responsibility of the subscriber to keep this data (and other relevant subscription data) so that they can verify it with the Google system or with Studio Sol support.
      3. Subscription made through the Cifra Club website. Subscriptions made through the Cifra Club website are the responsibility of Studio Sol and are subject to these Terms and Conditions, as well as our Privacy Policy. For information about this subscription, cancellation, or refund, it is the subscriber's responsibility to keep the email used to make it or the last 4 digits of the card used to obtain help from Studio Sol support (
    2. Subscriptions may or may not have automatic renewal.
      1. Subscription with automatic renewal. Your Cifra Club Pro subscription, which may start with a free trial period, will continue to renew for the chosen period (month or year) unless and until you cancel your subscription or Studio Sol terminates it. To use the Cifra Club Pro service, you need to have internet access and provide a valid and accepted payment method ("payment method," which may be updated periodically). We will charge the price for the chosen subscription plan to your payment method. To cancel the subscription and avoid being charged for it on your payment method, you will need to cancel your subscription 24 hours before its renewal date.
      2. Non-renewing subscriptions. You can make a one-time purchase of the Cifra Club Pro subscription, which is valid for a specific period only. We will charge the price for the chosen subscription plan to your payment method. In this case, there is no need to cancel the subscription because a new charge will not occur at the end of the contracted period.
    3. Subscription Plans. Studio Sol may offer different subscription plans, including promotional plans or subscriptions, with different conditions and limitations. Studio Sol reserves the right to change, create, terminate, or modify the subscription plans offered.
    4. Services that can be accessed with the Cifra Club Pro subscription All Cifra Club Pro subscriptions grant access to the same services, regardless of where you subscribed or whether your subscription is renewable or not. The subscription allows you to access all Cifra Club content available across our various applications without displaying advertisements, as well as some application features available only to subscribers. Since the search system used by Cifra Club may involve the Google system, search results may display advertisements, as we do not have control over this aspect since it involves a third-party system. Paid content, such as courses sold on the platform, is not included in the Cifra Club Pro subscription and must be purchased separately. With just one subscription, the Cifra Club Pro subscriber can access all applications and services offered on all compatible devices they own.
  2. Taxes: If Studio Sol is required to collect or pay any taxes in connection with your purchase of a Paid Service, for example a subscription to Cifra Club Pro, such taxes will be charged to you at the time of completion of each transaction. In addition, if required by law, you will be responsible for reporting and paying certain taxes in connection with your purchase and use of a Paid Service. Such taxes may include charges, customs fees, or other taxes (other than income taxes), together with any interest or penalties, as applicable to your purchase or country of purchase.
  3. Charging
    1. The charge is recurring for subscriptions with automatic renewal By starting your Cifra Club Pro subscription and informing or designating a payment method, you authorize Studio Sol or one of the stores described in 1.a to charge the payment method the amount equivalent to the contracted period.
    2. Price changes. Studio Sol reserves the right to adjust the prices of the Cifra Club Pro service or parts of the service, in any way, at any time and according to its own exclusive criteria. Any changes to the prices of the service will come into effect by updating them on the subscription media mentioned in 1.a.
    3. Billing Cycle. The subscription fee for the service will be charged at the beginning of the paid period of your subscription and at each subsequent period (month or year), unless and until you cancel your subscription with automatic renewal, a cancellation that must be made up to 24 hours before its renewal date. Studio Sol will automatically charge the payment method provided each day of the corresponding plan chosen on the day your paid subscription began. The subscription fee will have been fully acquired upon payment. Studio Sol or one of the stores described in section 1.a reserves the right to change the billing cycle, especially if it was not possible to charge the subscription fee from your payment method. If your paid subscription started on a day that does not repeat in a particular month, Studio Sol will charge your payment method on a day of the applicable month or on another day it deems appropriate. For example, if you started your Studio Sol subscription or became a paying subscriber on January 31, your next payment date will be February 28 (the last day of the following month), and your subsequent payments will be adjusted to this date. The renewal date of your subscription may change due to changes to your subscription. Studio Sol may request an authorization from your payment method in order to prepare the collection of the subscription fee or other charges related to the service. In the context of these Terms of Use, “charge” or "billing" means to debit, charge or offset the amount to be paid, whichever is applicable, from your payment method.
    4. Payment methods. If it is not possible to clear the full amount due from your payment method, whether due to expiry, insufficient funds or otherwise, and you do not change your payment method details or cancel your account, you will remain liable for the full amount payable. This may change the dates of your billing cycle, as Studio Sol reserves the right to attempt to automatically collect the outstanding amount.
  4. Refund
    1. Refund policy for each store.
      1. Refunds for subscriptions made through the App Store. As stated in section 1.a.i, subscriptions made through the App Store use Apple's payment system. Therefore, such subscriptions are subject to Apple's Terms and Conditions. As a result, by subscribing through the App Store, the subscriber agrees to Apple's refund policy. To contact them to request a refund, go to
      2. Refund for subscription made through the Google Play Store. As stated in section 1.a.ii, subscriptions made through the Google Play Store utilize Google's payment system. The subscriber may cancel the Cifra Club Pro subscription in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Code. In this case, the full amount paid directly to your payment method will be refunded. For refunds requested after this period for any reason, it is at the discretion of Studio Sol to analyze the case and offer a refund or not. To request a refund, the subscriber must be able to provide the email or order number of the subscription. The contact should be made via
      3. Subscription refund made by the Cifra Club website.
        1. Via credit card The subscriber may cancel the Cifra Club Pro subscription in accordance with the deadline established in the Consumer Protection Code (7 days from the start of the subscription). In this case, the full amount paid directly to your payment method will be refunded. For refunds requested after this period for any reason, it is at the discretion of Studio Sol to analyze the case and offer a refund or not. To request a refund, the subscriber must be able to provide the email or the last 4 digits of the card used to make the subscription. The contact should be made via
        2. Via bank slip The subscriber may cancel the Cifra Club Pro subscription in accordance with the deadline established in the Consumer Protection Code (7 days from the start of the subscription). For refunds requested after this period for any reason, it is at the discretion of Studio Sol to analyze the case and offer a refund or not. To request a refund, the subscriber must be able to provide the email. The contact should be made via
    2. Cancellation of subscriptions with automatic renewal
      1. If you purchase a recurring subscription (monthly, annually, or any other period), you may cancel it at any time before 24 hours (twenty-four hours) prior to the end of the applicable billing cycle. You will not receive a refund for the current billing period.
      2. Instructions for canceling auto-renewing subscriptions per store. Remember that uninstalling the app does not automatically cancel your subscription, you need to cancel your subscription following the instructions described here. If you uninstall the app without canceling your subscription, you will continue to be charged.
        1. Cancellation of a subscription made via App Store. As mentioned in section 1.a.i, subscriptions made through the App Store utilize Apple's payment system. Therefore, to cancel such a subscription, follow the instructions provided by Apple, which can be found on this page:
        2. Cancellation of subscription made via Google Play Store. Subscriptions made through this store use Google's payment system. Therefore, to cancel the automatic renewal, use the Google Play Store system.
        3. Cancellation of a subscription made via Cifra Club website. To cancel the automatic renewal of this type of subscription, go to and cancel.
      3. After canceling the automatic renewal, you will continue to have access to the service until the end of the current billing period.
      4. Upon cancellation and expiry of the payment period, the user's access to content exclusive to Cifra Club Pro subscribers will be completely BLOCKED. This includes content that has already been downloaded.
  5. Free trial period
    1. The free trial period for any paid service within the apps is restricted to ONE use per account. In other words, after taking advantage of the free trial period of a subscription, canceling it and re-subscribing in the future, the free trial period will not apply again.
    2. The availability of the free trial will be explicitly listed on the purchase interface. In particular, cases of subscription or purchase via bank slip do not include the free trial period.

CNPJ: 37.767.251/0001-06
CEP: 30.112-000

CNPJ 04.365.809/0001-78
Rua Paraíba, 550, 22º andar
Belo Horizonte – MG
CEP 30.130-141