We Chords

Marco Vinicius A. Alves

Teaching for 28 years, (Portão / Vila Izabel)
Marco Vinicius A. Alves

Guitarrista da banda Green Fay - escute nosso novo cd - aulas com material didático, harmonia e imprvisaçao com playbacks, teoria, método proprio para aprender compor musicas,e tb tirar musicas. Aulas de composiçao serao gravadas no meu estudio para o aluno que compôs ter sua musica gravada em cd!!! fone 96116717 Tb professor do instituto de musica airton mann!!! aulas de guitarra e violino, método suzuki!!!venha fazer uma aula expe

Teaches: Guitarra, Violino, Violão.

Monthly payment: R$110,00

Contact: (41) 9611-6717

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  • There are hundreds of teachers and schools registered on We Chords. Where available for your city, consult and compare more than one professional.
  • Never pay in advance for first classes. Get to know the teacher first, their methods, etc.
  • If you request classes at home, ask the teacher to provide you with professional references. Also, don't be shy to ask for documents confirming their identity of the same.
  • If you are under age, always ask for your parents to choose the best professional.
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