We Chords

João Marcos da Silva Moraes

Teaching for 19 years, (Belo Horizonte)
João Marcos da Silva Moraes

Possuo um grupo de samba (Outra Freguesia) onde toco Violão de sete cordas. telefone: 9410-1769 (whatsapp e tim) 3474-0603 fixo 83912953 oi

Teaches: Baixo, Cavaquinho, Guitarra, Teclado, Viola, Violão.

Monthly payment: since R$160,00

Contact: (31) 9410-1769

We Chords is not responsible for, does not intermediate ro guarantee the relationship of teachers or schools that advertise here. Get tips on how to avoid any problems:

  • There are hundreds of teachers and schools registered on We Chords. Where available for your city, consult and compare more than one professional.
  • Never pay in advance for first classes. Get to know the teacher first, their methods, etc.
  • If you request classes at home, ask the teacher to provide you with professional references. Also, don't be shy to ask for documents confirming their identity of the same.
  • If you are under age, always ask for your parents to choose the best professional.
Ops (: Content available only in Portuguese.