Are you fucking crazy america?
Are you fucking crazy bill clinton?
Are you fucking crazy george w. bush?
If you are sane I must be crazy
If you are clear I must be hazy
If you're alive I must be dead
Pollution bullet in the head
It makes me sick the things that this
Corporation has done it makes me red
The things I know the government
Could have done but didn't do

What will you say?
When they say: "Dad, what's a tree?"
When they say: "Dad, what's wrong with me?"
When they say: "Dad, why can't I breathe?"
When they say: "Dad, why did you do this to me?"

So fucking simple it's all we have
Money won't matter when we're all dead
Being a species is all that we got
Asking to live ain't a fuck of a lot
god must not live here 'cause you don't care
What happens to this earth and the people there
So fucking selfish sell things that don't belong to you
You sold my life, your children's too

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